Monday, July 4, 2011

I like change. Maybe a bit to much.

I run away rather then deal with things. I bottle them up, try to ignore them and pretend that they don't exist. And that is why i like traveling it keeps my mind occupied and away from my problems.
Susana and Laura helped me to realize that I am codependent. A good thing and a bad thing. But a bad thing in the sense that  i would rather concentrate on someone else's problem rather then my own. And that i like to help other people in need. But that I am one to rely on other people to be happy rather then being happy because of me. I don't take care of my self first. Explains why I need friends all the time and why I would be in deep trouble if i got close to someone and have them leave me. Maybe this is what i am supposed to learn right now how to be happy for me. that and being honest about my feelings.
 I want a house on the beach!

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