Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lazy Sundays...

Came home from church. I tried really hard to stay in my church clothes. it was a lot easier today because i wore a simple black dress with ruby red flats ( i hardly ever wear flats to church). That is how i know today i felt lazy.
But after i ate me and vickie decided to watch Grey's and so i changed into something more comfy. Hoodie and leggings. It was a great lazy sunday.  Lucy called me back i talked to her for like over an hour and then continued to finish watching Grey's with Vickie. And i have been in bed since then. I love lazy Sundays! it is the only day i don't feel guilty about not doing homework. Hooray for that!
love, Me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just Let It Rain.

"Oh so bold and brave just let it rain."
Working on being brave so i can just let it rain. But it is hard. Sometimes its not easy or fun to be disappointed.
I'm still all about friends!
I like my friends a lot. pictures should explain a lot.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mi lista.

I know this is the cheesiest song/ video but i have a really grown to like it. 
Today was weird.

Me gustaria escribir en espanol como si fuera un poeta. 
Pero esta buien. el poco de espanol que si se sera suficiente. 
Fui a Dejar a Vickie  a la escula en la mana. La camioneta necesitaba gasolina entonces decidi ir a la gasolinera. Y Vickie habia puesto un Cd que hizo para nuestro viaje a Oklahoma/Idaho. La cancion Amarte A La Antigua empezo a tocar mientras estuve en la gasoliner. Pero cuando me subi al camioneta de nuevo decidi a regresar la cancion desde le comienzo. Empece a escucha las letras de la cancion y de repente y de yo no se donde empece a llorar. Y no fue como una lagrima sino empeze a llorar como si algo trajico habia pasado y nada que ver. Y no pude parar de llorar. Segui llorando hasta que finalmente decide que era absurdo que estaba llorando por ninguna razon. Enserio no tuve ninguna razon para llorar. Absolutament ninguna razon. No se porque estaba llorando. Se me hace raro por que yo no lloror. En la mision yo llore como 2 veces. Pero era porque me sentia como que yo no podia hacer nada para mejorar la situacion en que me encontraba. La ultima vez que yo llore por un chavo fue en 2008. Yo no lloro sobre chavos. No me dejo. Quizas esra mi espiritu que esta trite de alogo que yo todavia no se... 
It was weird. 
Pero Decidi esto.
Yo necesito alguien que hable espanol. Alguien que entienda las letras de todas las conciones que yo escuchaba cuado era nina y todas las letras de las canciones romanticas que mi mama y papa escuchan/ escuchaban. 
Quiero alguien que vea mi familia como algo divertido/interesante. Y no alguien que vea a mi familia y mi vida dentro de mi familia como algo extrano que quisieran cambiar de mi. 
It is what it is.
Amo a mi familia y nunca la cambiaria.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

The Photo lab.
Blake,The Lab Assistant.
I spend more time in this room than any other place.
I don't mind it. I like it when there aren't so many people there. That is why I like to go in on Thursdays. Blake works that day and sometimes he stays a bit longer than usual which is ok by me that way i can stay there longer. Thursdays most of the photos assignments are due so theres hardly anyone there. Wednesdays i learned are the worst! There are so many people and they are all so loud. I like it quite and chill with good music playing.
I like all the lab assistants, they are awesome. Good thing they are otherwise I would not enjoy spending time in the lab.

March 2, 2011

In his natural environment. Chem. Lab. He is a Chem. Major and is in the Romney Building all the time. Actually we both are but we are both in the building for different majors. 
Chemistry and Photography.
He is the person that I have known here the longest. I have known him since I was like 15 back when we both lived in GA. 
We have grown a lot since then. But it is nice to know that I have a friend here that I have known for a long time. Ask me anything about Tyler and I will most likely know it. Try it I bet i can answers it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Photo of the Day for March 2, 2010


I like the studio when I can have fun and play around!
This is part of my series for my 13 shots of the same object, my object was a MUSTACHE! 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011