Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't want to go.

Watching videos on Mormon.org. Makes me feel better. Maybe it was because we would watch them when we were in the call room at the Visitor's Center while making calls... I don't know. But they are pretty inspiring. I want to be better and just get out of this funk that I am in.

I am just going to vent for 4 lines. 
This week I hate traveling. I hate how easy it is for me to just get up and go on a trip to a city many miles away. Easy because it is my job and I get paid for it. But it is no way to build relationships with people. Moving and traveling has made it impossible for me to spend time with someone and not think ... oh wait I am leaving soon... don't get too close. 

I have built walls. I don't let people in. I constantly think... "way too much information. Just say the minimum to answer the question." To ANYONE. (other than vickie)

" No one will ever save you 
If no one can ever find you 
Lost girls "
-Tilly & The Wall

I have got to use my camera more. It doesn't matter if I have just a simple lens. 

Am I too hard on myself? Maybe.

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